My major problem actually stems from the news. Until a few weeks ago, I had never looked at a newspaper willingly other then to read the funnies. I actually had to learn how to read a newspaper, because they confuse me greatly. And having never accessed a news website, That prospect was equally as uncomfortable. Untill now, whenever I was required to look at a news article for a current event, I always took something off the front page or a page that happend to be lying open on a table in the classroom some where. Due to my lack of experence gathering news data on the web and in print, Much of the sources of information for this blog will come from friends and family, so the information may already be biased when it reaches me. However, I will do my best to filter out what I can.
To start with I would like to offer what thoughts I can on the current cantidates.
Barock Oboma: Has unfortunatly large ears and from what I saw is a good public speaker.
Jhon McCain: Has a head that is not in proportion to the rest of his body and is good at talking for 2 mintues at a time without actually saying anything.
Biden: Is a brand new name for me, I don't even know his first name.
Sarah Palin: Also brand new to me, All i know about her is she is fantastic at making a fool of herself on TV and has been the target of many SNL skits.
There you have it, as of right now, that is the extent of my opinions and knowledge of cantidates.
Of course I've heard various things about all the cantidates, but the problem is none of it sticks in my mind. The reason is, I just don't care. None of it is interesting to me, so I dont retain any of it. Unfortunatly for cantidates, the stuff that sticks in my mind comes from wierd internet sites. Here are some examples of what has shaped my 'opinion' so far. As you may notice, the pictures of often in poor taste and somewhat inappropriate.
On Sarah Palin:

on Obama (This will only make sense if you've watched Pokemon):

As you can see, My views are poorly founded and lack substance. As a result this project brings with it a lot of weight. Rather then just taking what opinions of the Issues I have and applying them to this blog, I have to learn about everything from the ground up, form an opinion, and then post it up. For me this is a daunting task.
I would like to leave you with a few more images that have little political relevance, but serve to show just how I don't take any of this stuff very seriously.
On Religion:

On Immigration:

On Dick Cheney:

I'm sure there is a joke about forigen policy in here somewhere:

And here is a comic that is related to candidates and how they approach Important issues:
The Issues
Hopefully I'll be able to get more serious about this...
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